
Last-minute notice on this one. Odradek will be performing tomorrow night at Leftover Daylight but Mr. Iaffaldano can't make it. So who did the boys come crawling to begging and pleading to save their asses yet again? Me, that's who! And I agreed...'cause I'm just like that!

Here's the info:

Friday 5 February, 8pm, $8

Leftover Daylight Series

i odradek
[james bailey (found objects) william davison (found objects)
andy yue (analogue synth)]

ii nicole rampersaud solo
[nicole rampersaud (trumpet)]

iii trombosis
[r.j. satchithananthan (trombone) robin jessome (trombone) heather
segger (trombone) steve ward (trombone)]

february's guest curator is mark segger

Somewhere There
Live Creative Music in Toronto
340 Dufferin Street
one block south of Queen Street
** entrance from Melbourne Ave. **

- William A. Davison
